Thursday, June 24, 2010

Life on the North Shore

So i'm driving along 200 West in Bountiful, daydreaming about Hawaii when out of the corner of my eye, i spot an old camp trailer all decked out in fine hippie style. Seriously~i thought i was hallucinating. I thought i was back on the North Shore of Oahu. Turns out, it's a Shave Ice stand... called "The North Shore." Who knew? and you can get ice cream in the bottom(i did) and sweet beans in it(i didn't) and everything.

When we first tried to go to Matsumoto's for shave ice, we unwittingly (I don't have a data plan on my smart phone... so, no map) took the Hale'iwa bypass of the Kamehameha Hwy, which takes you right on past the cute little town where Matsumoto's is. I was determined, though, so we bought a paper map and went back. This time, the boys were not too thrilled

before we went in...

but after... now, that's a different story. Mmmm! Thanks for the travel tips, Hillary!!
For a little more about Matsumoto's, click here.


Anonymous said...

look at the size of those boys!!! What in the world? They look so huge in the picture next to the other kids. What happened?!
oh Hawaii. You lucky girl. I need vacation DESPERATELY!!!! So glad you could go.
And the acne, someone told me to use T-gel only as shampoo, not on face, and it will help it go away. Ever heard of that?

Cindy at LottieBird said...

aiy aiy aiy.
where is that sno cone shack?
Now do I go to yogurt stop or get shave ice when I visit?
And when do I visit?